Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Stole a Thing from Tumblr

1. Of all of the original characters you have written, do you have a favorite?
Oh my God help Probably Symphanyo
2. Is there a ship/show for whom/which you are interested in writing yet are intimidated to try?
Nope! My most recent ship/show has been Rock and Revy from Black Lagoon and I've took to it like a retriever to water!
3. Have you ever written a chapter/scene that made you cry? Which one(s)?
I've never actually *cried* while writing (at least I don't think). But I have reread stuff that I've written and teared up and thought to myself, "I did it!" Which ones? That's a secret.
4. Which of your stories would you most like to see made into a movie?
Don't get my hopes up Idk Symphanyo's story would be kinda neat to see as a movie.
5. Is there a character you find particularly difficult to write? Which one? On the flip-side, which character flows most easily for you when writing?
ANY character I have that has yet to be fully developed is difficult for me to write. As for who is easiest: Symphanyo, Inari, and Sasha.
6. Are there writers from other fandoms whom you admire? If so, whom?
...I don't think so? Like, not any I can call off the top of my head. My friend Katt writes some pretty cool stuff though. And there are a LOT of talented writers in the Legend of Korra fandom!
7. Do you have a favorite story among your body of work?
I love Symphanyo's story to bits. Everything else needs to be bludgeoned tenderly worked on with all my love~
8. Do you have a story that consistently challenges you? (or has challenged you in the past?)
9. Have any of your multi-chaptered fics grown out of prompts submitted on tumblr? Do you enjoy receiving prompts, anonymous or otherwise?
I don't think I've ever had anything sprout forth from a prompt that grew to weedy proportions. Usually multi-chaptered fics are planned to be multi-chaptered. I have taken 'drabbles' and turned them into monstrously long one-shots though!
10. Do you have an idea for a story that intrigues you but haven’t been able to piece together? What would it take to inspire you to actually write it?
YES. And idk I'd probably have to hug a dinosaur
11. Have you ever created alternate versions of your own stories? Are there any you are tempted to write?
Nope. Sometimes I have ideas for spin-offs though.
12. Do you sneak personal references into any of your stories? Would you care to share some examples?
"Oh my God, you're a virgin?! Oh my God, keep it forever-,Okay, not forever, that would suck."
I need Shteen to do this now, along with Katt.

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